Program committee
Petter Hareim (🇳🇴)
Knowledge Servant, Miles

Petter is a programmer who fell into leadership roles but keeps promising himself (and his team) that he’ll soon “get back to coding”.

As an experienced technologist with a talent for building supportive, high-trust environments, he’s equally passionate about people and code. He’s spent years building systems, teams, and a lot of badly annotated post-it walls — in nearly every role imaginable in large-scale software projects. He champions continuous delivery and real value to real people.

He tries to talk less in meetings — and fails miserably. But through his inability to stop talking he discovered how often big organisations run on fear of failure, and realised that you can’t truly appreciate (nor recognise) success until you’ve failed a little. Preferably in small, safe-to-fail experiments. He’s on a mission to show that big organisations can break free from their own red tape by shuffling hierarchies and embracing their flaws. If you spot him staring wistfully at a Gantt chart, he’s probably just plotting how to tear it down and build something simpler.

Thinks most rooms should have at least one proper whiteboard.